1-Room: 12 m²

My name is Johan and I am looking for an inherent to share my apartment with, as my current moves / moved out at the end of July.
The accommodation is in a quiet and nice place in Guldheden. Doktor Fries square is right next door, with tram stop, grocery store, gym etc. It is close to several scenic areas and to the center it takes about 10 minutes by tram.
The room I rent is unfurnished and about 12 sqm. Shared spaces are hall, kitchen, bathroom and balcony. There are bicycle rooms and laundry facilities in the basement, as well as the environmental station, accommodation parking and guest apartment adjacent to the residence. Electricity, water and wifi are included in the rent.
A deposit of 2000: – will be charged and the contract written in 3 months at the first stage, with the possibility of extension if everything works well.

Apply: blocket.se

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