

We are looking for energetic cleaners with orderly mind!

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You are a social and stress resistant person like when there is a lot to do. You have easy cooperation, are social and appreciate a shining result. Driving licenses are a requirement for this service. If you have experience from home cleaning, it is an advantage.

Is this true of you? Welcome with your application as soon as possible!


The location provides accurate selection for companies seeking employees for jobs that require the right attitude rather than high education and a perfect Swedish. We convey ambitious and driven people to companies and good employers to our candidates.

There is a place for anyone who really wants to work!

Number of Jobs: 4
Work experience
Cleaners / Cleaners, 1-2 years experience (Requirements)
Swedish (Requirements)
Driving license
Salary type: Fixed monthly weekly or hourly salary



send mail to: [email protected]

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