Cleaning staff Hotel Vanilla

Cleaning staff Hotel Vanilla

Part time (20 – 40%)
6 months or longer
Temporary or temporary employment
Hotel Vanilla is located in the heart of Gothenburg in a quiet and pleasant area of ​​the city center. The hotel is within walking distance to the Central Station, Gothenburg Opera, Liseberg, shopping and restaurants. Hotel Vanilla is located in a building dating back to the 18th century, where several original details have been carefully preserved. Our 32 rooms are newly renovated and decorated in a style that combines international and classic Scandinavian design. We are looking for a thorough and service oriented cleaner with a feeling for the little extra.

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Previous experience in hotel cleaning and cleaning is a merit.

What we value most is that you have a positive attitude and a good attitude! The service we seek includes cleaning of hotel rooms as well as corridors and public areas.

Working hours may vary, but are mainly occupied from morning to afternoon. Flexibility and being able to take on your own responsibility are very important.

Guest hospitality is also a chair part of the work, so it is important that you can happily meet our guests in the best way!

Welcome with your application for Cleaning staff Hotel Vanilla

Number of jobs: 2
Work experience
No work experience required

Apply: send mail to: [email protected]


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