Dishwasher -da Matteo

A little about us
da Matteo was born on Marstrand in 2003, and since 2004, has entered Gothenburg and Victoria Passage. Since then, we have opened four more cafes, two shops, a coffee shop and a bakery. In everything we do, the craft and the meeting between people are at the center. In historic premises, we create meeting places that serve as an oasis for Gothenburg citizens and visitors to the city. With us you can have a snack, take a meeting, get inspiration, have a taste experience or just take a break from everyday life. In our team, the focus is on giving the guest a fantastic overall experience.

A little short about you
You have at least 2 years of experience working as a dishwasher. During service, you prefer high tempo and work efficiently, but have no problem finding employment during quiet times. You prefer order and find out and work with your colleagues to create this. In our cafes you have daily contact with our guests, which places great demands on your service feeling.

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If you work as a dishwasher with us, you usually have your main working time on one unit, but it can also be relevant to work on several units.

We attach great importance to personal fitness for the service.


The service is 40% of full time. Interviews and employment are ongoing so please send us your application as soon as possible.

The employment starts with a probationary period of six months. We have a collective agreement with Hotell and Restaurangfacket. Salary according to contract.

APPLY: daMatteo


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