Parking Control to Gothenburg

On behalf of our client, Just Arrived are looking for four people to act as a parking control for electric scooters in Gothenburg.

As a parking control, you create a more pleasant environment by moving incorrectly parked electric scooters. The work can also involve contact with the public and assisting with parking instructions. This is a full-time position.

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Who are we looking for?

We believe you are responsible, meticulous, and have a consistent mindset. You enjoy working outdoors regardless of the weather. Furthermore, we are happy to see that you who are applying are comfortable with heavy lifting. You are an active person and thrive in physical roles.

  • The position requires good English, speaking, and writing

Please send us your application as soon as possible as we are reviewing candidates continuously. We’re looking forward to your application!

Start: ASAP

Location: Gothenburg

Salary: According to the Swedish collective agreement

APPLY: justarrivedab


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