Holy Green- Restaurant Employees

Since 2013 at Holy Green we have been working to make Sweden healthier and happier. Want to join our community? We are growing so it is cracking and are now looking for employees to our restaurants!

Do you have experience with restaurant, fast food chain, catering or are you just looking for a high-speed service professional with a wonderful team feel? We want you to be as structured, quality conscious and helpful as your future colleagues and if you have any form of restaurant education it is a merit. And then a reminder of the tempo – our salads and juices are popular so sometimes it gets a bit hectic in the kitchen.

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The service involves both kitchen work and sales / service. Our ingredients are refined from the ground up – we chop, peel, weigh, mix, steam and cook at a high pace! Out in the restaurant, you take care of our guests who appreciate a quick handling and a friendly response. The role also includes cleaning, dishes, unpacking and filling of goods.


We are a young, expansive health care company that offers great development opportunities for those who are committed. Here you become part of our large family where we have fun working and value community and cohesion highly. With us, no day is like the other and despite the occasional high tempo, there is always time for laughter!

Our industry offers a versatile and evolving working environment for you who are solution-oriented and quick on their feet. What makes us special is your opportunity to influence a wider context – the emergence of healthy fast food.

# Green love


Degree of employment: Part time

Location: Kyrkogatan – Gothenburg

Language: Unobstructed Swedish in speech

Salary: hourly salary – we are connected to Visita and follow collective agreements

Benefits: occupational pension, wellness allowance, favorable staff lunch, social activities, nicest colleagues …


APPLY: Holygreen

source: holygreen

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