Store employees-Tele 2

Are you passionate about service and creating good customer relationships? Then maybe Tele2 is the right place for you! We are now looking for employees on both part-time and full-time to the Tele2 stores in Gothenburg.

We work closely with our customers and provide service in an industry that for many is a large and important part of everyday life. As a store salesman at Tele2, you are responsible for providing the absolute best service to our customers and at the same time making everyday life a little easier.

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We are looking for those who have previous experience from any service profession and a great interest in learning more in customer service and sales. As a person, you are driven, relationship-building and driven by working together towards the common goals of the store.

We offer you an exciting and evolving role in an environment where you make a daily difference to our customers. We have a family atmosphere and with the team in the back you get the best starting point for performing at the top. As a new employee, you are offered a solid introduction with in-store experience, introduction by the store manager and a digital education package. After a couple of weeks you will also be invited to an introduction at our head office – everything to make you more equipped for the shop job! At Tele2 we are driven by internal development and for the right person there are good development opportunities within the stores. When you feel ready to develop, you can, among other things, apply to become a Business Specialist, Trainer, Store Manager or some other exciting role in one of our offices.

We are looking for store employees full time and part time. In your application, you are therefore happy to indicate how much you are interested in working.

Do you think it sounds exciting? Do not hesitate to apply today! Interviews will be ongoing.

Welcome with your application!

As a step in the recruitment process, Tele2 performs a background check on current candidates.

APPLY: Tele2

source: Tele2

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