Cook to Pinchos Magasinsgatan

Right now we are looking for chefs
With us at Pinchos, our values ​​and our commitment to each employee lives and develops. Therefore, it is important for us to find the right people, with the right attitude and the right potential for our ever-growing family. With us, it is not required that the service has a proper table setting with five types of glass and cutlery. Nor does the chef need to be able to prepare a puffer fish. This is how you can always learn. Instead, we are looking for people who have that little extra, people who are so little… Pincholicous!

We can offer you
a fun workplace
great opportunities to develop
an innovative concept
great colleagues
We would love to have you
has previous experience of working in the kitchen
is flexible and innovative
thrives at high pace and is challenged by fast turns
appreciate the guest contact that our open kitchens offer
spreads positive energy around you
We will be extra happy about you
is good at ensuring quality
appreciate that our food is cooked according to recipes
is fast, accurate and efficient
can and want to bid on yourself
Does that sound like something to you? Hurry to search. Together we create the party!

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