Pizza Hut-Service-Disk

We are looking for you who love service and pizza.
If you are a good team player, positive and always have a big smile on your lips and a wonderful attitude towards colleagues and our guests then you will fit into our fantastic team.

Working with us at Pizza Hut means:

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To provide world-class service
Serve the world’s best Pan Pizzas
Receive and serve guests
Varying working hours (daytime / evenings / weekends)
A fun working day at a high pace
We are looking for you as:

has a natural smile and a genuine willingness to provide service beyond guests’ expectations
has a lot of “running in the legs”
is flexible
is a team player
We train you internally and if you are the right person you will not need any previous experience or education.
Your will, positivity and commitment are more important.

Salary according to HRF green agreements.
We have collective agreements.

When we communicate through our recruitment tool Happyr ensure that email from there does not end up in the spam and you thus miss important information.

Recruitment is ongoing
NOTE! You should be available between 12 / 6-20 / 8. 25 hours a week.


APPLY: Pizza Hut


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