Kärnvedsgatan 21 Björkekärr, Örgryte-Härlanda, Göteborg

Room(s): 1 rum 18.0 m²
Rent: 4 500  SEK/month
Move in date: 10 August 2019
Move out date: 30 June 2020

The room has: bed, desk + chair, armchair, dresser, wardrobe, bookshelf, mirror, carpet, refrigerator, water boiler, household utensils, paintings if you want. The room is in the extension of our villa and has its own entrance. The house area is close to nature and a small lake. It takes 30 minutes to Chalmers and the university area with public transport. Preferably a female student who is taking their master or PhD Extension of hiring time is possible.

Apply:  https://nya.boplats.se/objekt/rum/5D1B3672FC1F27FD63AAA382

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