Kitchen assistant / Waitress / Dishwasher for Restaurant

Kitchen assistant / Waitress / Dishwasher for Restaurant Divan
Cicek Restaurant AB
Municipality: Gothenburg
Brief facts about the job
Scope: Full-time
Duration until further notice
Form of employment: Permanent or time-limited employment
Number of jobs: 5

about the job
Restaurant Divan is looking for employees with a passion for food, drink and people. We are looking for several positions: kitchen assistants, waitresses and dishwashers.

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To be comfortable with us at Restaurang Divan, you should love food, drink and delivering professional guest service, but we make no requirements on your prior knowledge. Previous professional experience in restaurant work is therefore advantageous but not a requirement. It is your attitude and attitude that is important, the rest you will learn on the spot.

We protect the benefit of society and gladly accept applications from people who, for various reasons, are further away from the labor market or have been job seekers for a longer period. You who apply must be flexible in your working hours and be over 20 years of age, as this is a requirement according to the alcohol legislation for those who are responsible for serving.

The positions are full-time with an applied 6-month trial period.

Mark your application with reference number: D5

About the employment
Salary type: Fixed monthly, weekly or hourly salary
Where is the workplace?
Nordanvindsgatan 2 B
41717 Gothenburg
The employer
Cicek Restaurant AB

APPLY: SEND MAIL TO: [email protected]

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