O’Learys is looking for service personnel

O’Learys is looking for employees who have a passion for food, drink, sports and people
O’Learys is a casual dining restaurant where food, drink, sports and atmosphere are always the focus. As an employee of O’Learys, you are part of a community and a team. Together, we strengthen and develop O’Learys to give our guests, or Fans as we call them, the best possible experience. Your personality, your experience and your commitment are the biggest assets of O’Learys as a brand. That is why we are looking for those who have a passion for food, drink, sports and people.

Tasks Everyone is welcome to O’Learys, all Fans and Meetings are unique. As a service staff, you make the meetings important and memorable. We are looking for you who are flexible, have an open mind, are good at creating good relationships and like to work as part of a team.

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We are looking for you as You have at least one year of work experience from from restaurant / bar, have cash register. You have high school education, speak and write Swedish freely and have good knowledge of English.

Apply for the service by submitting your application today. Welcome with your application!

Have a picture of yourself in the application.

START: 2020-01-15

SCOPE: Tableware, Part time 75%

WORKING HOURS: Evening & Weekends

LOCATION: O’Leary’s King Pour

WE OFFER YOU: Salary according to collective agreement, nice workplace with good colleagues and opportunities to develop.

Send your application to: [email protected]

APPLY: O’Learys

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