Restaurant Assistant

Summer job – Stress-reliant restaurant assistant applied for daytime service
Passion For Service Gothenburg AB
restaurant Assistant
Municipality: Gothenburg
Short facts about the job
Scope: Full time / Part time (70 – 100%)
Duration: 11 days – 3 months
Type of employment: Seasonal work
Work experience
Restaurant Assistant –
less than 1 year experience
Secondary education
about the job
Do you like when it’s tempo? Do you like to provide first class service? Then you should apply for a summer job with us!

We are looking for you, fire spirit, who wants to work with us in June, July and ALL of August, the opportunity to work longer is available. You should have a high work ethic, happy, be able to take your own initiative. Master Swedish in speech and writing.

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The service means, among other things. to grill in our barbecue, food preparation, dishes, sandwich preparation, cleaning etc.

We see that you have experience from similar jobs since before. References are gratefully received.

We are a happy bunch working at Cafè Paus. The restaurant is located at Stigs Center down towards the river. We have a fantastic outdoor seating area.

Opening hours 6 am – 2 pm Monday to Friday, closed weekends.

Do you feel like you fit in with us? Do not hesitate and apply with your personal letter and CV to [email protected]

About employment
Salary type: Fixed monthly weekly or hourly salary
Where is the workplace?
Backa Strandgata 18
42246 Hisings Backa

The employer
Passion For Service Gothenburg AB


Apply:Send CV to: [email protected]

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