For twelve years, the music and film festival Way Out West – that attracts visitors from all over Sweden and large parts of the rest of the world – has filled Gothenburg and Slottsskogen with three days of music, festivities and culture.

The programme includes the biggest stars in the world, the hottest new-comers, film premieres, challenging conversations, great vegetarian food and a robust club programme called ‘Stay Out West’ that takes place at night in central Gothenburg.

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The ground concept remains the same; “Over three days we create a cultural melting-pot in central Gothenburg and establish the main area in beautiful Slottskogen. We create the festival that we would like to visit ourselves, and one that we don’t think exists anywhere else in the world, explains Ola Broquist to festival promoters’ Luger. Our continued investment in providing a diverse but totally vegetarian food offering will win over even the most dubious,” continues Broquist.

Approximately 100 artists will perform over the festivals’ three days, which this year is expected to attract over 30,000 visitors a day. Previous years have seen the likes of Frank Ocean, Kanye West, Lana Del Rey, Prince, Robyn and Erykah Badu take to the stage in Slottsskogen.

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