McDonald’s Frölunda McDrive is looking for new happy employees

Do you want the opportunity to work together with a wonderful team where the team spirit is in focus? Are you also the one who has the ability to see when something needs to be done and strives to provide a world-class service?

We are now looking for employees who want to work extra on weekends and holidays, but also you who can work a lot from now and after the summer.

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With us, it is of the utmost importance that each customer gets a unique experience and this is of course not possible without our employees. McDonald’s offers a varied and fast-paced job with varied tasks, all with the focus on delivering an ultimate restaurant experience for our guests.

The tasks can vary from preparing and serving our good food to ensuring that the dining room and kitchen are in top condition.

An employment at McDonald’s gives you experiences that you will benefit from for the rest of your life, and for those who want to develop, there is a clear career ladder with great opportunities.




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